Hey all, I don't really have any followers here but thought Id just get some things off of my chest.
First off, I'm taking a break for myself to try and get my life together, and I've come to some harsh realizations and just don't think I'm cut out for this art stuff, so I'm most likely gonna be doing architecture instead. also, I am also no longer working on Tasteless with @DylanAlexander, I just haven't had much time to help on writing and such, so he will have full control of it as of now. Not gonna be doing much with Dani anymore either, so Dylan can have her too. Thanks to anyone who cared so much as to read, and before I forget, make sure to check out Tasteless Volume One when it comes out, and have a good one.
https://www.newgrounds.com/playlists/view/99a1960ef2650d4ab88503c9f14c1d70 Tasteless playlist, Check it out sometime.